Self-Care – Release Holistic Massage


Get the most out of your massage session every single time.

I would absolutely love for you to get the most out of every massage session, your massage benefits don't stop when you leave. The body is going through a healing process, nourishing your body is the secret to obtaining that after massage glow. So you have to give it that encouraging push it needs. These tips will help optimise your massage experience before, during and after treatment. 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydration is so important, especially after your treatment as your muscles can become dehydrated. Please avoid caffeine and alcohol the day of your session as this will have an adverse reaction to the treatment.


Who doesn't love a good stretch? Not only does it release endorphins but it lengthens the muscle allowing better blood circulation throughout the body. Regularly stretching can preserve the benefits of massage in-between sessions keeping those aches and pains a little more at bay. 


Feeling disconnected from yourself or the world around you? I know exactly how you're feeling. It's ok to be lost for a little while but why not indulge in the space of meditation to bring you back to yourself. 10 minutes daily to start your day will certainly bring you into a much brighter and more peaceful headspace. I suggest guided meditation. One I love and always return to is Deepak Cheropa 21 days of abundance; short, sweet and easily guided. I set you a challenge, try this out and after your 21 days let me know how you got on. I advise writing any feelings or thoughts down after each meditation just to refresh on your progression throughout the 21 days.  

Epsom Salts Bath 

Speed up your recovery with an epsom salts bath and make this a weekly routine. Epsom salts are rich in magnesium that help benefit muscle and joint repair. Not only is this an excellent way to get your daily dose of magnesium, it's also the perfect opportunity to have some down time, be with yourself and unwind.

Breath Work   

Breathing correctly is so important throughout our daily lives whether it be needed when we are feeling pain, fear or anxiety. Our bodies response is to tighten up and hold the breath. For years we have been so disconnected from breathing correctly and in doing so this has affected our health in many ways. Bad breathing habits starves our bodies of the vital oxygen required to nourish every cell which can lead to stress and illness. I encourage you to pause...Inhale through the nose and exhale deeply through the mouth expelling any stagnant energy, within a few breath's our mind eases and our muscles relax. I encourage you to use this at anytime when needed.  

 "Nourish your body, for it is your shell for life"